Lucy Maud Montgomery, the author of Anne of Green Gables, spent a part of her life in the small village of Norval. Her husband, Ewan, was a minister there (he married E's great-grand parents in PEI some years before moving to Norval). Norval is prettily situated on the river, not far from the popular hiking trails of Terra Cotta (which is how we found it, quite by accident).
Lucy Maud wrote 5 novels in Norval. In her diaries she talked about the pond across the river(now a marsh, visible from the windows), and the Russell pines which you can still see from her tiny study and the bedroom windows.
The house is still used by ministers, and nothing of Lucy Maud's can be found inside apart from the fireplace and a single ceiling light fixture. More
Photo 1 - House and the church:
Photo 2 - House, southern exposure:
Photo 3 - E and the Lucy Maud's house:
Photo 4 - E in Lucy Maud's bedroom:
[...] Lucy Maud Montgomery, Canada [...]