

Cooking and Espionage

My second favorite thriller novel, right after WikiJustice, is this gem from Johannes Mario Simmel: The Monte Cristo Cover-Up (also known as: It Can't Always be Caviar).

Fascinated by Thomas Lieven's maneuvering between no less than three espionage agencies, all vying for his head and / or his services, I was fascinated by the way he managed to outwit them all.

Being an avid cook myself, I decided to try Lieven's tricks on my friends and enemies. I shall recreate all of Thomas Lieven's recipes, and post the results here. This weekend I shall start with the first one:

Lady Curzon Soup
Paprika Chicken
Clara Salad
Apple Hedgehog with Wine Custard
Toast and Cheese

*** END OF POST ***
Jack SpyWriter King

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